Mila is our fourth exchange daughter. Salvador, Brasil is her home. During the time she was with us, Emma Ringsberg from Sweden was her best friend (Pictured on the left). For anyone who doesn't know, Brasilians ( especially from Bahia) have constant music and rhythms in their heads. They can dance easily during the five days of Carnival with little or no sleep. Mila used this talent on the Renton High School Dance and Drill Squad. She is now studying Marketing and Business at a University in Salvador.

July 1, 1999

Mila keeps in touch often, as she continues her studies in Salvador. We saw her in Germany during the summer of 1996 when she connected her travel/study plans with our vacation there. It was a wonderful reunion.

She had the opportunity to meet Ulrike in Salvador when Ulrike went to Brazil to be with a friend.

April 15, 2001

Mila is now working for a company doing translations of Certification Examinations for School Principals.

She had an opportunity to travel to the US East coast with her job and flew to Seattle on April 11th to visit for a few days. It was great having an opportunity to see her again.

March, 2005

Mila is now living in Vancouver, B.C. attending the University of British Columbia. We had a chance to visit with her last December. Her Mother will be visiting her this coming Summer and they will come to Seattle to see us.

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